Upon inception there was Tep…
What have I done?
Upon inception there was Tep.
A vast fabric of ethereal sinew
Tep, all that ever was or will be
Had grown weak after the agony of birthing itself, and fell into slumber
Sleeping Tep dreamt of a river dark
Waters of night flowed churning and boiling from Tep’s skull
Consuming all existence with its black tendrils
Tep was ripped from slumber by a pain most sinister tearing through viscera and vein
In an attempt to quell the anomalous fury
Tep’s forefinger pierced its cosmic gut and examined its inner workings
Tep first removed its intestines sending them far into the ether
Tep’s stomach was torn out and cast aside
Finally Tep observed its once healthy liver decomposing and infected.
Latched to the decaying organ was a wretched black slug, the source of the torturous pain
As Tep attempted to remove the parasite its clenched hooks rooted ever deeper into the flesh
Tep knew that the slug was of an origin most putrid and began to cut the liver from the body it occupied
The gangrenous slug clung to the tissue on which it fed
With one final act of force Tep ripped the liver from the abdomen and tossed the now useless pile of worm ridden meat far into the beyond
Tep gazed upon this dark unending sea that was its own body and saw that where only moments ago lay its discarded entrails now grew many undulating points of light
Spiraling on a central axis
These swelling masses of burning light were enveloped in clouds of deep red and purple ever changing as they drifted along the infinite surface
Abruptly the ceaseless blanket of light and silence that Tep had known was broken
The coarse grinding and grating formation of bone rattled all
The sound was agonizing to Tep
Seeking to quite the excruciating symphony, Tep turned to behold an abomination devouring its rejected entrails
Flourishing with every bite
As it gorged on the flesh its black amorphous tentacles flailed in ataxia
Seizing and clawing at the ethereal matter around it.
Lacking any sort of observable anatomy the cacophonous entity devoured what was left of the innards
And a repugnant stench began to erupt from the body, its mass doubling with every passing cycle.
Tep called out to the leviathan wall writhing before it
The creature froze
Its twisted limbs stood motionless in eternity
Slowly, it began to rise all the while groaning and cracking as the spine of reality broke under the terror.
Tep soon realized this already gargantuan exanimate had merely been on its haunches
Tep was no longer all
The horror stood erect,
Its putrid body swallowed the horizon
The stench of unending rot grew stronger…
Suddenly a voice composed of a thousand deaths erupted from the creature!